Bakers Cream Crackers

$3.95 aud

Crisp, fresh crackers


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Bakers Lemon Cream Biscuits


How Lemon Creams got it s name: The original Bakersman was a jolly, upbeat fellow. The saying "if life gives you lemons, make lemonade" might well have been his motto. One day, the Bakersman found that his chief assistant baker had filled the fruit bowl in his boss's office with homegrown lemons. The Bakersman knew exactly what to do with this kind but sour offering. Since that day, Red Label Lemon Creams have been a favourite in everyone's cookie jar. The best thing about them is the tangy, sweet filling in the middle. Open them up and scrape the lemony bit off with your teeth and fingers, then dip the rest of the biscuit in your tea! Delicious!

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